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VIVA - New Active Tourism Itineraries in Villanova

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Villanova: active tourism

Between Sassari and Oristano, taking a detour from the SS n. 131, it is possible to reach the five centres of the territory of Villanova (Mara, Monteleone Rocca Doria, Padria, Romana and Villanova Monteleone), important towns in the Middle Ages, then decayed and now rediscovered. These are destinations of particular trips where to experience an active vacation among sea, lake, mountains, history, tradition and ancient flavours.


Snorkeling Pesca Equitazione Micologia Trekking Canoa Bike Arrampicata Domus de janas Nuraghi Architettura religiosa Torri costiere Prodotti della tradizione Piatti tipici Enogastronomia Feste e manifestazioni