Address: S.P. 28bis - 07010 Romana (SS)
The nuraghe takes its name from the term “Pibiri” which means pepper and it is situated in an elevated position overlooking the valley of the river Temo and the path that leads to Bosa.
The monument and the surrounding area were the subject of scientific investigations in the early 2000s which enabled the identification of structural problems.
The main building, built in limestone, is characterised by a central tower, and at least two other towers connected by straight curtains. The central tower rises, compared with the buried and the collapsed area, at about 7 meters and has an entrance facing south-west that leads to a room with a perfectly preserved vaulted tholos characterised by three niches arranged in the shape of a cross.
It is possible to see the helicoidal staircase which allowed the upper parts of the building to be reached. The main structure is set inside a defence wall consisting of several towers joined by straight and curved walls.
An extensive settlement with circular buildings can be seen in the surrounding area, suggesting that the nuraghe Pibirra along with the other buildings located in the vicinity (nuraghe Suezzones), formed a settlement system functional for the control of the territory and its resources.