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VIVA - New Active Tourism Itineraries in Villanova

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Villanova: active tourism

Between Sassari and Oristano, taking a detour from the SS n. 131, it is possible to reach the five centres of the territory of Villanova (Mara, Monteleone Rocca Doria, Padria, Romana and Villanova Monteleone), important towns in the Middle Ages, then decayed and now rediscovered. These are destinations of particular trips where to experience an active vacation among sea, lake, mountains, history, tradition and ancient flavours.


Snorkeling Pesca Equitazione Micologia Trekking Canoa Bike Arrampicata Domus de janas Nuraghi Architettura religiosa Torri costiere Prodotti della tradizione Piatti tipici Enogastronomia Feste e manifestazioni

<span>Villanova</span>: active tourism

Events calendar


From 27 08 2022 to 29 08 2022
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Terzo appuntamento con il cineforum

From 25 08 2022 to 25 08 2022
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From 20 08 2022 to 20 08 2022
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Laboratorio di Tessitura al telaio

From 20 08 2022 to 20 08 2022
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From 18 08 2022 to 18 08 2022
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Lavorazione del cuoio a cura di Graziano Viale

From 18 06 2022 to 18 06 2022
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Quarantennale della morte del poeta Remundu Piras “Cantende a Remundu” Sabato 03 novembre 2018

From 03 11 2018 to 03 11 2018
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Programma V edizione "storicamente" - Festival romanzo storico

From 06 10 2018 to 21 10 2018
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Manifestazione di corsa su strada “Dal Mare Alla Montagna”

From 19 08 2018 to 19 08 2018
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XIII Edizione Sardinia Film Festival

From 28 06 2018 to 30 06 2018
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Giornata Nazionale delle Pro loco - Spiaggia Poglina – Villanova Monteleone 3 Giugno 2018

From 03 06 2018 to 03 06 2018
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37° Carnevale Villanovese

From 13 02 2018 to 13 02 2018
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Presentazione del libro di Giuliano Chirra: "Mortos in sas Africas"

From 25 11 2017 to 25 11 2017
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Trekking letterario "Quattro passi con Grazia Deledda"

From 29 10 2017 to 29 10 2017
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Paralimpiadi romana - I^ edizione

From 21 10 2017 to 21 10 2017
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Programma IV Edizione Storicamente – Festival del Romanzo Storico

From 01 10 2017 to 22 10 2017
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Padria – Giornata Europea dello Sport

From 30 09 2017 to 25 09 2017
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Romana in festa

From 03 08 2017 to 03 08 2017
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Convegno "Il Santuario di Bonu Ighinu nella letteratura e nella tradizione popolare"

From 03 06 2017 to 04 06 2017
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Trekking a Padria e Mara 24 settembre 2016

From 24 09 2016 to 24 09 2016
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Padria - Monumenti Sotto le Stelle

From 10 08 2016 to 10 08 2016
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Escursione nelle Grotte de Sa Ucca 'e su Tintirriolu, Sa Mulina e la Grotta Filiestru in Loc. Bonu Ighinu

From 07 08 2016 to 07 08 2016
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Premio di Poesia "Tiu Finu" - IV edizione

From 30 07 2016 to 30 07 2016
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Convegno - "La frequentazione nell'area di Bonu Ighinu: dalla preistoria al medioevo"

From 28 05 2016 to 29 05 2016
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Padria, Monumenti Aperti

From 14 05 2016 to 15 05 2016
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Villanova Monteleone - 1° festival DiVino

From 23 04 2016 to 23 04 2016
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L’acqua e la roccia - Monteleone Rocca Doria

From 17 10 2015 to 18 10 2015
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Madonna di Bonuighinu - Mara

From 19 09 2015 to 20 09 2015
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XVI edizione premio letterario "Gurulis Vetus" - Padria

From 22 08 2015 to 22 08 2015
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Festa di San Lussorio - Romana

From 20 08 2015 to 21 08 2015
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Eco-fiera dei formaggi - Villanova Monteleone

From 11 07 2015 to 12 07 2015
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Romana: from the old town centre to the Shrine of San Lussorio

Romana: from the old town centre to the Shrine of San Lussorio

From the murals of the old town centre to the evocative rocky Shrine of San Lussorio through a landscape full of colours.

The Rock of the Doria family

The Rock of the Doria family

The rock with its castle and the churches of the Doria family. A breathtaking view over Villanova.

Padria descended from the Roman Gurulis Vetus

Padria descended from the Roman Gurulis Vetus

From the Nuragic Age to the churches in the scenery of the ancient Gurulis Vetus overlooked by three hills.

Mara: The old town centre

Mara: The old town centre

A dive into the past between religious architecture and rural culture.

Villanova and Monte Minerva

Villanova and Monte Minerva

From the jar of Monte Minerva to the Springs of Mudeju, a journey through archeology and perfumed rose gardens.

From Mara to the Kaolin Mines

From Mara to the Kaolin Mines

A volcanic landscape characterised by a shrine, by the ruins of a castle and by caves inhabited during prehistoric times.

The territory of Villanova Monteleone

The territory of Villanova Monteleone

From the mountains to the sea among churches of the old town centre and rural shrines in the footsteps of the mysterious prehistory leading to the clear sea of the coast.

The paths of the Lake

The paths of the Lake

Along the shores of the lake: from the medieval settlement of Curos to the templar Church of Santa Maria de S’Ispidale, through the necropolis of Puttu Codinu.
